Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The attachment that i am sending you is about the adoption of one of the families pet BUNNY that is about 2 and half years old, mix of golden retriever and pom.
The REASON they want to give him away is, that they are not able to look after him since both of them go to work and bunny is locked up inside the house whole day ALONE.wish they had thought this before getting him home and if they could understand what he will go thru after leaving them:
BUNNY, is subdued and gets scared even at the drop of needle, thanks to its loneliness and neglience by its owners.
BUNNY, nneds a loving and caring family, someone who can spend time with him and atmost give a committment for life,someone who can bring him out fo his fear and loneliness to a different light.
Please circulate this message to all u know in mumbai, it is urgent, i wish and pray for BUNNY, attached are his pictures.
He is friendly, fully vaccinated and loving.
Thanks for your attention and help,
keep up the great work.
take care
Komal Saha
Email -
Komal Ratnani ratnani.komal@gmail.com

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